Mangos from Los Pepones


Covering letter to a delivery of mangos:

Hello CrowdFarmer,

It’s Maria here from Finca Los Pepones. You already know me, and I’d like to get to know you and show you my farm; it’s the least I can do after all the support received. Some of you have already come to see me and whenever I receive a visit from you, I learn things with you and Ifeel really happy.

Now that you’ve received your mangos, I’d like to tell you that our main motivation this year has been knowing that they were going to reach you directly. You’re part of the family’s year-round work that has involved a lot of joint effort. This is our second season selling on CrowdFarming and the first time that we’ve been able to plan the campaign well in advance. So, thank you for being a part of this dream.

The quality of this season’s fruit is exceptional. That doesn’t mean that it’s perfect, as each mango is different in size and may have possible imperfections, but they’re all equally delicious and have been grown in an environmentally friendly way. We always harvest just before packaging the fruit, so that the fruit arrives to you as fresh as possible. Mangos areclimacteric fruits, which means that they’ll continue to ripen now that they’re off the tree.

Some might be ready to eat right now. Otherwise, please be patient as they may take up to twenty days to ripen (although the average time is about seven days). You’ll know that they’re ready to enjoy when they give off their characteristic smell and you can press your finger gently into the skin. If they’re already ripe, store them in the fridge. If not, and you want them to ripen, you can keep them at room temperature.

My personal recommendation is that you enjoy these mangos as you prefer: eaten whole, in salads, with yoghurt, as a tartare, in a smoothie, as a juice or with ice cream. Nature has taken a year to grow them so that you can enjoy them for a few minutes. And I find that awesome!

I’d love to share my day-to-day life with you on social media, as I think it’s fascinating to follow the entire cultivation process, and not just the end. You’ll find us on Instagram and Facebook as @fincalospepones

To finish, I’ve recorded this video to teach you how to slice a mango. You can do it however you want, of course, but I wanted to show you how I do it.

Thank you and happy harvest!

Maria Martínez

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